Arnoud Holleman
Drawing is the engine of my work
Bert Luttjeboer
Photo, drawing, text, 1992 reworked 2005
Tekeningen 1995 - 1997
Inner Child(ren)
Pencil on paper, framed
Stupid No
3D drawings on New Babylon shelf, 2018
Gay marriage
Pencil on paper, 2010
Media Suicide
Masked newspapers, 2009
The Family of Man
Pastel crayon on paper, newspapers, 2008 - 2009
Do it not
Pencil and pastel, 2018
Last days
5 drawings various formats, 2014
Another Erased Drawing
pastel, pencil and eraser, 83 x 57 cm, 2017
Trauma repair
pencil on paper, framed, 1998
pastel on paper, app. 83 x 57 cm, 2017